Maintenance – Peek into my Pantry

I thought it might be fun to take a snap shot of everything in my kitchen and pantry.  I got embarrassed about how unorganized everything looked and decided to make a list instead!  The items in my kitchen change from week to week (especially with the garden vegetables) but it at least gives you an idea of the kinds of things that I stock my kitchen with.  The list is just what I happen to have today.

I am one of those people that likes to keep my pantry completely stocked.  If I know I don’t have a can of black beans for example, it will  drive me nuts until I purchase it (even if I am not planning on using it in a recipe any time soon).  I am kind of anal when it comes to my kitchen, and I always want to make sure I have everything that I “might need”….you know…just in case

So please don’t feel like in order to eat a plant-based diet you need to go out and buy the grocery store.  Start simple and then slowly ease your way into exploring new foods.  I also really like to cook and I love to try new things so some of the things on the list might seem a little foreign.  You’ll  also notice from my list that I have a slight obsession with oils and vinegars (to make those salads a little more exciting)!

My fridge probably looks a lot like the average person – ketchup, pickles, apple sauce etc.  The only differences might be the Veganaise, the Vegan butter (Earth’s Balance), and my latest purchase of Tofurkey lunch meat (my kids have been asking for turkey sandwiches and don’t mind the substitution).  My cupboards are also filled with regular things like baking soda, tortilla chips, and Ramen noodles.  I definitely don’t consider myself that different from anyone else…..just an ordinary Mom trying to feed my family the best way I can!

Source: WFM 1-10

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