Veteran – My Cooking Confession…

I have a confession to make.

My close friends know this about me- But it’s time to tell the world:

I do not like to cook!

Now when you combine this with my passion for eating healthy– it can become a difficult partnership.


We all know that eating healthy starts in your own kitchen…and stays in your own kitchen.  The truth never gets out much.

Up until this point in my life- of course I have cooked…

but the recipes that call my name are the simple and fast ones.

              BEANS, TOMATO and AVOCADO call on me a lot.

                              TOFU AND TEMPEH barely know who I am.

What has gotten me through this DISLIKE of mine?

               My wonderful husband and amazing kids!

Fortunately- I have a family that doesn’t complain.  Luckily they are NOT too picky.

Because of this fortune- I haven’t had to work too hard in the kitchen.

I have to add something to this though- it’s not all LUCK my children are this way.  They are still pretty young…and this way of cooking is all they know.

The reason I wanted to make this confession…is because I believe I am beginning to CHANGE.

                 My eyes are becoming a little more OPEN to the ART of Cooking.

“I was 32 when I started cooking.  Up until then I just ate.”  Julia Child



Sweet Potato, Avocado & Quinoa Salad

I made this DELICIOUS dinner tonight for my family.  It wasn’t too difficult- it took a little time.  There were a few slightly new ingredients.  But the main difference about this recipe was:

           I HAD FUN MAKING IT!

I hope this continues!  I have always found JOY in feeding my children healthy food- but now I can see the possibility of finding some of that same happiness in making this nutritious food.

WHAT CHANGED?  I think I have to let go of a little fear that I am not good at cooking…I need to just have fun!  Julia Child also said:  “BE A FEARLESS COOK!”

I have to also give a little credit to Maintenance Mommy and Newbie Mommy- thanks for the inspiration!

You want to know something else that was amazing about tonight?  This is something that I don’t want to take for granted.  My 5 year old and my 3 year old ate all of this dinner!  I made sure to tell them that they are the coolest KIDS ever!


To make this night even better- (and to be a little more fearless) my family and I made these CHOCOLATE CHIP ZUCCHINI MUFFINS.

I love that I have kids that see the GREEN zucchini pieces and don’t blink an eye!  For kids that might be a little frightened by these green additions- tell them they are MARTIAN MUFFINS (that’s what my Mom would do…AND the Zucchini basically has no taste- just adds a fun texture.)

(recipes will be posted soon!)

Does this mean I will become better friends with TOFU and TEMPEH…probably not on a regular basis- but why not have them over every once and awhile 🙂

I hope you try these recipes and experience the same JOY that I had in making them!

Now does anyone have any advice on finding JOY in doing the dishes?


Source: WFM 1-10

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