Newbie – Weekly Weigh Ins……….

First, I must say… Where are my supporters?? I want you to weigh in with me! Let’s not do this alone! I am committing to ALL (OK so maybe I don’t have any) my followers. That way I have someone to report to and be accountable when I want to stay and have that pastry… my weakness!

Sunday July 19th- LOSS of 1.1lbs this week!!!!


Please feel free to comment and leave your weight loss/gain and maybe an explanation. I don’t want you to feel you need to put your current weight, I am not sharing mine. Just let me know whether you are gaining or losing.

Happy eating!! This is the best way to eat yourself THIN and HEALTHY!! If you haven’t yet, read  or listened to “eat to live” by Joel Furhman or “the china study” by T. Colin Campbell. They will change your life and your dress/pants size!!!

Source: WFM Blog – 2

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